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Cultivating and Embracing Sustainable Lifestyle Habits:
SG Eco Fund Workshop with Tiong Bahru SCEC

24 Apr 2024



From learning to actualization – residents are witnessing the fruits of their labour!

No matter rain or shine over the past one month, the residents have been working tirelessly at Tiong Bahru Community Centre and Seng Poh Garden to take good care of the crops. It is encouraging to see how the residents have grown more comfortable in gardening, and they are aiming to give back the vegetables to the needy in the community once harvested!

Moreover, participants have expressed interest to come alongside us and join our First Penguin Volunteerism movement to champion food waste upcycling and community gardening. You are invited to join us in this sustainability movement too!

#HoloceneSG #EdibleGreens #UpcycleFoodWaste #UpcycledCompost #FirstPenguinVolunteerism #TiongBahruSCEC