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Holocene Shines at the NTU Innovation Port Changemakers' Avenue Exhibition –
A Celebration of Innovation and Entrepreneurship!

1 Sep 2024


A moment to remember! Our CEO Ms Susan Teh with Holocene’s logo featured at the exhibition, a testament to our entrepreneurial journey.


We are proud to announce that Holocene was featured at the NTU Innovation Port Changemakers’ Avenue, which is dedicated to showcasing the remarkable achievements of Alumni NTUpreneurs.

Born from Innovation: Holocene’s Roots in NTUpreneurship

Our CEO, Ms. Susan Teh, represented Holocene in the Changemakers’ Avenue exhibition, with Holocene’s logo being prominently displayed amongst other successful alumni ventures.

Located at the NTU Innovation Port at Gaia, this new purpose-built venue enhances student engagement in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (I&E). The NTU Innovation Port offers a space for like-minded students, alumni entrepreneurs, to develop business ideas, form teams and create prototypes within the NTU ecosystem. Just as I&E inspired Ms. Teh to build Holocene, we hope more students will be inspired to create their very own ventures in the near future!

Be sure to check out the NTU Innovation Port and experience the vibrant I&E ecosystem has to offer. We look forward to continuing our journey of growth and innovation, fuelled by the inspiration and support from our vibrant alumni community. Thank you to everyone who joined us in celebrating this exciting milestone!

#HoloceneSG #NTUpreneur