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Turning Waste into Wealth: Highlights from the Tampines Central Let's Go Green Event!

9 Nov 2024



Holocene recently participated in an interactive event for Tampines Central residents to spread awareness on simple, green practices that can make a positive impact on our environment. The theme of our booth was food waste upcycling, where we showcased how everyday food scraps can be transformed into valuable resources like compost and nutrient-rich soil, contributing to a circular economy.

Composting: From Waste to Wonder

Our booth took visitors on a journey into the world of composting—from understanding the basics to putting it into practice. We explained how composting works and why it matters. Attendees had the chance to see real compost up close and learn how food scraps—like fruit peels, coffee grounds, and veggie trimmings—can be converted into rich, dark compost that nourishes the soil.

Get Your Hands Dirty: Learn the Secrets to Healthy Soil

Attendees rolled up their sleeves to mix the perfect soil for plants, learning key techniques for creating soil that helps gardens thrive. Whether you are a first-time gardener or an experienced plant lover, everyone enjoyed the hands-on process and discovering how easy it is to boost garden health with no green thumb required!

A big thank you to everyone who came by to learn more and engage with our green initiatives. We hope it inspired you to make a few small changes that can have a significant positive impact on the planet. From composting to growing your own food, every little step counts in building a greener, more sustainable future.

#HoloceneSG #OurTampinesHub #Composting #HealthySoil