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Unlocking Sustainability – Inspiring others at the SG Eco Fund Ideation Workshop!

27 Jun 2024
Our CEO, Ms Susan Teh, sharing our learnings from our recently concluded SG Eco Fund project

Holocene takes the stage to inspire others with our SG Eco Fund Project

Holocene had the privilege to be invited by the Ministry of Sustainability and Environment (MSE) to speak at the SG Eco Fund Ideation Workshop, where we shared learnings and insights around our experience as a grant recipient in launching our inaugural community project at Kim Tian West and how SG Eco Fund grant has supported us through this process. It was truly encouraging to meet passionate like minded individuals eager to embark on their sustainability journeys and sharing their ideas for a greener future. The workshop was brimming with energy and activity and it was a pleasure to connect with fellow individuals, all eager to practice active green citizenry and launch impactful initiatives of their own.

Let’s join hands and continue building a sustainable tomorrow – one idea, one initiative at a time. Together, we can make a lasting difference.

Click here to get a glimpse of how the workshop went! 👀

#HoloceneSG #SGEcoFund #Sustainability #Innovation #GreenFuture